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Gravitational Machines
- From Leonardo da Vinci to the Latest Discoveries
The book that can change the world
Basic Principles of Over Unity Electromagnetic Machines
Learn basic ideas of making new ultra efficient electric motors and generators and how to improve existing patents which use permanent magnets
Milković was born in 1949 in Subotica (Serbia),
and since 1952 he has been living in Novi
Sad (Serbia), where he finished secondary school and studied History.
Apart from being interested in past events, he is also a researcher,
an inventor, an innovator and a writer. Furthermore, he
works on futuristic projects. So far he has got around 114
inventions, some of which have been in
use for years and has designed 29 granted
patents. Moreover, he has received many domestic and
international awards for his
work spanning over many decades.
He invented a self-heating eco-house and a number of ecological innovations, which also have been in use for a long time. According to his drawings, many such eco-houses have been built in Novi Sad, Sombor, Zaječar, Ljig (Serbia)... He has taken part in about 30 scientific gatherings in the field of energetics and ecology as well as many projects concerning scientific research.
He is the president of the Department for ecological
innovations and the organiser of the Exhibition of ecological
innovations with VRELO Society from Novi Sad. He is also a member of the
Association for the popularisation of science - Novi Sad.
various domestic and international
awards, he has received November charter of the city of Novi
Sad in 2002 for the remarkable contribution in the field of ecology and
energetic as well as in 2002 a gold medal of Novi Sad fair for the invention
hand water pump with pendulum.
He is very familiar with Petrovaradin fortress (city of Novi Sad, Serbia); he has been exploring it since 1960. In 1965 he managed to decipher orientation marks at the crossroads and establish the logic of subterranean labyrinth with "^", "Y" and "T" crossroads. This approach helps him to examine the 20km deep undergrounds of the fortress in a faster and safer manner.
His engineering and ecological projects inspired by Petrovaradin fortress are in practice: "Selfheating ecological house", "Mushroom garden and greenhouse with reflecting surfaces" (mushroom gardens for growing bukovače near Čenej and Petrovaradin, Serbia, were built), Project "Forests for food production" (in use on several locations in the province of Vojvodina, Serbia and Montenegro) and "Autonomous battery charger".
In 1975, librarian Srećko Drk hired him as a guide for less known parts of the fortress especially subterranean military galleries.
Novi Sad museum awarded him with the letter of thanks for the "ardent contribution in research of the Petrovaradin fortress".
the late 70's, as a member of scientific and technical editorial board of
the Cultural Center in Novi Sad, he organized and lectured at panels about
Petrovaradin fortress. Some of the participants were an academician and
a professor Bogdan Brukner and a professor Milan Vranić.
An idea of a modern sod house as a new way of living gave him élan to continue with researching subterranean galleries.
In 1983, Veljko Milković and Mr. Srećko Drk founded "The club of friends of Petrovaradin fortress" within "Vladimir Nazor" library in Petrovaradin (Serbia).
In 1997 he announced the book entitled "Mysteries of Petrovaradin fortress", which was published as a feuilleton, a script and a book. That was the first time that the gap in the literature about Petrovaradin fortress and its underground has been filled. It is interesting that many journalists and authors like Mr. Živko Marković, a historian, claimed that subterranean military galleries represent the largest attraction in Petrovaradin.
In his numerous lectures and during short excursions he
talked about dangers, but also about great tourist potential of Petrovaradin,
Fruška Gora, Srem (Serbia) and the central part of the (river) Danube-basin.
During public appearances in previous years, Veljko Milković announced major archaeological discoveries from Palaeolithic age at the location of Petrovaradin fortress and in the central Danube basin. Experienced archaeologists stated that "it is beyond dreams" and that it was "absolutely unexpected"...
But it happened and it was confirmed by the latest archaeological
discoveries from Palaeolithic age. In his numerous public appearances, Milković
claimed that the central Danube basin is a cradle of prehistoric period,
which was confirmed by the recent discoveries by European scientists. He
is also in possession of a unique and unusual archaeological collection.
He also gathered numerous minerals and fossils, from the Danube-basin, as
well as remains of previous civilisations.
In his research study he worked hard on gravitation phenomenon
and also on the improvement of anti-gravitational experiments and, connected
to that, anti-gravitational
operating systems.
In the last few years he has been working in the field of single and double mechanical oscillations, which represent a new source of widely, used energy, based on which he has 22 approved patents. His present aim is to explore and use practically the potentials of double oscillations and, in connection to that, a new source of energy based on inertial forces and gravitational potential.
Among other things in his experiments, he managed to get 12 times more output energy than input energy. In last 10 years, no one argumentatively disputed research and measurings carried out by Milković. Through such achievements, Veljko Milković laid the path for new challenges in physics in the 21st century, which could be the forerunner of the new great scientific revolution.
is in possession of numerous prototypes
and models (photo & video), as well as ideas for various
machines and devices. Over the years, Milković received many positive
comments and opinions relating to his research
from domestic and foreign physicists, professors, academicians, engineers,
researchers etc. It is more and more definite that Milković's inventions
can be used for production of numerous practical devices, thus creating
a range of new products which could help in improvement of overall economical
situation and better the situation in society.
So far he has published the following books:
"Solarne zemunice - dom budućnosti"
("Solar sod houses - the house of the future"),
"Ekološke kuće"
("Ecological houses"), (1991 - printed in four unedited
"Šume za proizvodnju hrane - zamena za njive"
("Forests for food production"), (1992 - translated into
Esperanto the same year),
"Ka antigravitaciji - kompaktna vozila"
("Towards anti-gravitation compact vehicles"), (1994),
"Antigravitacioni motor / Anti-gravity motor"
("Anti-gravity motor"), (1996 - with translation into English),
"Perpetuum mobile"
("Perpetuum mobile"), (2001),
"Petrovaradin kroz legendu i stvarnost"
("Petrovaradin through legend and reality"), (2001),
"Petrovaradin i Srem - misterija prošlostit"
("Petrovaradin and Srem - mystery of the past"), (2003),
"Svet misterija - novi pogledi"
("The world of mysteries new views"), (2004),
"Petrovaradinska tvrđava - podzemlje i nadzemlje"
("Petrovaradin fortress over and underground"), (2005),
"Novi turistički potencijali"
("New tourist potentials"), (2006),
"Petrovaradinska tvrđava - kosmički lavirint otrkića"
("Petrovaradin fortress - cosmic labyrinth of discoveries"),
(2007) and
"Gravitational Machines - From Leonardo da Vinci to the Latest Discoveries"
("Gravitacione mašine - od Leonarda da Vinčija do najnovijih otkrića"),
(2013 - in English & Serbian).
Milković also published noticeable feuilletons and notes:
"Niskoenergetski život"
("Low-energy life"), (1996),
"Energetski potencijal rečnog zaliva"
("Energetic potential of the river bay"), (1996),
"Prethodna civilizacija"
("Previous civilisation"), (1999),
"Misterije Petrovaradinske tvrđave"
("Mysteries of Petrovaradin fortress"), (1999),
"Petrovaradinska tvrđava između legende i stvarnosti"
("Petrovaradin fortress between legend and reality"), (1999)
"Nestale civilizacije"
("Missing civilisations"), (2000).
His book have been accepted both in domestic and foreign
prestigious libraries, such as the Library of Congress, Washington DC and
his publications can be found in the British Library in London, Moscow Library
and Library of Alexandria. His publication have also been quoted in many
Internet encyclopaedias and other sources.
He also found the solution how to lessen the problem of the "endangered inventor" and needs to make his secret public. That is exactly what Veljko Milković is doing by publishing his books and publications.