| We can observe several experiments with the two armed lever. |
| Here is the fulcrum. |
| The shorter arm is nearer to me, and on the other side is the longer one. |
| At the shorter arm, which is very important, physical pendulum is positioned. |
| Its oscillations cause the two armed lever to oscillate. |
| Very small amount of energy is needed. |
| For mechanical work, with a hammer or a pestle, |
| for example, continuous effort would be necessary. |
| Here, on the other hand, one should only occasionally maintain the oscillation. |
| Very light, ocassional effort, unlike conventional devices, |
| which require continuous input of energy. |
| There is another interesting point. |
| If the pendulum is in motion, and we stop the lever, |
| the pendulum continues with its movements. |
| And when we let go of the lever, it continues to move, as if nothing happened. |
| Unlike the transmission with cogwheels, where if we stop the exit, |
| the entry also stops. So, we have a completely different behaviour. |
| Now, the hammer is hitting the hard surface. |
| If we put a soft object under the hammer, there will be no changes. |
| Because the pendulum is still working in the same way. |
| The power of the device is an interesting topic. |
| Anyone can check the power by holding the longer arm. |
| Here, you can hold and lift it a bit. |
| On the other side, you can move it only with one finger. |
| But, even a very strong person can't stop it. |
| One needs to keep the pendulum oscillating only occasionally. |
| However, the two armed lever can not be stopped, |
| since we have an ideal combination of centrifugal and gravitational forces. |
| When one culminates, the other does the same. |
| It means it is impossible to stop the lever, even though we use the longer arm. |
| Using two flashlights with dynamos, |
| we can see the difference at the entry and exit points. |
| One flashlight will be positioned under the hammerhead, |
| and the other will be used for maintaining the oscillation. |
| And, a drastic difference is obvious, |
| since we only have to maintain the oscillation occasionally. |
| But, on the other end, we see major changes. |
| At the entry, or the primary part, movements are too fast for the eye. |
| This means, that the contact is very short, but the changes are there. |
| Of course, the movement can be vertical, and it can be instantaneous. |
| The contact with the pendulum lasts for a tenth of the second, |
| and on the other side, the changes are obvious. |